Nota Resources
Print and export your scores
Print and export your scores
Import and edit existing scores and tabs with Nota Studio
Import and edit existing scores and tabs with Nota Studio
Create your first music score
To create your first music score with Nota Studio and get started writing your music notation or tabs, sign up with Nota as a Gold or Professional member and start using Nota Studio!
Set Time and Key Signatures
Before adding the first notes on your score, it’s best to set the correct time and key signatures.
Composing with tabs
Flat allows you to write tablatures (aka tabs) for any instruments: you can create any tabs from 3 to 14 strings with the tuning and capo that you want.
Discover the interface
We designed our editor interface to be really simple and easy-to-use, discover its main elements:
Keyboard shortcuts
These shortcuts can be used in the editor to quickly input your music notation.
Inputting your first notes
Once you created your first score and set a time and key signature to your score, you can now start adding your first notes.
Oriental Maquams
Arabic Maqamat - An introduction to the system of musical scales
The Arabic Maqam (plural Maqamat) is a system of scales, habitual melodic phrases, modulation possib
Oriental Maquams
Maqam Ajam
Maqam ‘Ajam is the principal maqam in the Maqam Ajam Family. It starts with the root Jins Ajam on th
Oriental Maquams
Maqam Nahawand
Maqam Nahawand is the main maqam in the Nahawand Family. Its scale starts with the root Jins Nahawan
Oriental Maquams
Maqam Kurd
Maqam Kurd is the main maqam in the Kurd Family. Its scale starts with the root Jins Kurd Jon the to
Oriental Maquams
Maqam Hijaz
Maqam Hijaz is the main maqam in the Hijaz Family. Its scale starts with the root Jins Hijaz on the
Oriental Maquams
Maqam Rast
Maqam Rast is the main maqam in the Rast Family and by far one of the most popular and common maqama
Oriental Maquams
Maqam Nikriz
Maqam Nikriz is the main maqam in the Nikriz Family. Its scale starts with the root Jins Nikriz on t
Oriental Maquams
Maqam Bayat
Maqam Bayat is one of the most popular and common maqamat in the Arabic repertory. It is also the ma
Oriental Maquams
Maqam Sikah
Maqam Sikah is a rare member of the Sikah family. Its scale starts with the root Jins Sikah on the t
Oriental Maquams
The Jins
The Jins (plural Ajnas) is a maqam scale fragment of 3, 4 or 5 notes. The jins is the primary melodi
Oriental Maquams
3 Note Jins
Jins Musta‘ar - A variation of Jins Sikah with a raised 2nd
Oriental Maquams
4 Note Ajnas
Jins Bayati - Root jins of the Maqam Bayati Family
Oriental Maquams
5 Note Ajnas
Jins ‘Ajam - Root jins of the Maqam ‘Ajam Family
Music History Library
Khaled El Sheikh
The Celebrated Bahraini Composer, Singer & Songwriter
Music History Library
Kathem Al Saher
An Iraqi Singer, Composer & Songwriter.
Music History Library
Mohammed Abdo
The Artist of the Arabs.
Music History Library
Abdul Majeed Abdullah
A Saudi Singer, Composer & Actor
Music History Library
Abu Bakr Salem Balfaqih
The Father Of Khaleeji Music & The Singer With The Golden Voicebox
Music History Library
Nouhad Wadie' Haddad (نهاد وديع حداد; born November 20, 1934, known as Fairuz (فيروز;
Music History Library
Umm Kalthum
Umm Kulthum's musical directions in the 1940s and early 1950s and her mature performing style led...
Music History Library
Abdel Halim Hafez
In the very beginning, Abdel Halim worked as a teacher of music at schools in Tanta and El-Mahalla..
Music History Library
Mohammed Abdel Wahab
Mohamed Abdel Wahab (Arabic: محمد عبد الوهاب), also written Mohamed Abd El-Wahhab...
Music History Library
Majida El Roumi
The Lebanese Soprano
Subtotal: $60.00
